
研究:3美元.北科罗拉多公立大学和 大学



Four institutions provide impressive return on investment and support one of every 拉里默和威尔德的八个工作岗位.


北科罗拉多州的四所公立学院和大学增加了3美元.90亿年 in income to the economy of Larimer and Weld Counties and supported one of every eight jobs in the region in the fiscal year 2017-18, according to the results of a new economic 2月公布的影响研究报告. 25.

The Northern Colorado Public 大学s and 大学 (NoCoPCU) in the economic value study are Aims社区学院, 科罗拉多州立大学, Front 范围 Community 学院和北科罗拉多大学. 这项由Emsi进行的研究测量了 the overall economic impact of NoCoPCU, and also the return on investment for students 科罗拉多州的纳税人.

The study uses a wide array of data based on several sources, including the FY 2017-18 academic and financial reports from NoCoPCU; industry and employment data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Census Bureau; outputs of Emsi’s Multi-Regional Social Accounting Matrix model; and a variety of published materials relating education to 社会行为.

以上(唐森):UNC President Andy Feinstein, Aims President Leah Bornstein, Front 范围 President Andrew Dorsey, and CSU President Joyce McConnell field questions as part of a panel discussion during the unveiling of the economic impact report at the 领导 Northern 科罗拉多州会议,2月11日星期二. 25. 图片由Aims社区的Curtis Ellzey提供 大学

Highlights of the economic impacts of NoCoPCU for Larimer and Weld Counties include: 

  • The net impact of institutions’ day-to-day operations (payroll, expenses and employee 在分析年度的花费大约是1美元.10亿美元的额外收入 拉里默和韦尔德经济. 
  • NoCoPCU的研究支出为该地区创造了2.99亿美元.  
  • NoCoPCU在2017-18财年的建筑支出的净影响为1.26亿美元. 
  • 初创公司和分拆公司的收入为227美元.900万年. 
  • Spending by students, those who relocated or stayed in the region and who wouldn’t 如果不是在该地区的机构,增加了大约147美元.900万年. 
  • Contributions from alumni currently employed in the regional workforce amounted to $2 billion. 
  • 这些加起来等于3美元.影响90亿美元,或50,594个工作岗位得到支持 拉里默和韦尔德县在FY17-18期间的经济.

The overall economic value is significantly higher than was measured in a similar study conducted two years earlier, and the count of supported jobs increased markedly, due to updates and improvements in methodology, background data, and institutional data. 因此,本研究提供了一个更相关、更全面的图景 机构的价值. 
The study also included an investment analysis which looked at the total amount NoCoPCU received in FY 2017-18 through tuition and fees, government student aid, and other 所有其他收入,由学生、纳税人和社会提供. 投资 结果是平均回报率为12%.投资学生赚的3%,还有 14.纳税人投资的1%. 
NoCoPCU 2017-18财年的学生支付的现值为641美元.500万美元 学费、杂费、用品和学生贷款利息. 他们也放弃了 $495.8 million in money they would have earned had they been working instead of attending 大学. 
作为投资回报,学生们将获得3美元.60亿美元的收益增加 在他们的工作生涯中. 这相当于3美元的回报.学生每投资1美元,未来的收入就会增加20美元 他们的教育. 学生的平均年回报率是12%.3%. 该研究指出,这种回报超过了预期 平均9分.投资者在美国看到9%的回报率.S. 股票市场.  
纳税人向NoCoPCU提供了307美元.2017-18财年拨款200万美元. 作为回报, 他们将受益于学生寿命延长带来的额外税收收入 盈利和业务产出增加,达10亿美元. 需求减少 科罗拉多州政府资助的服务将再增加236美元.100万的福利 纳税人. 
For every dollar of public money invested in NoCoPCU, taxpayers will receive $4 in 在学生的职业生涯中. 纳税人的平均年回报率是14%.1%. 
在2017-18财年,科罗拉多州投资了2美元.50亿美元支持NoCoPCU. 反过来,科罗拉多河 经济将增长12美元.40亿美元,在学生的工作生涯中. 社会 也会从649美元中受益吗.公共和私营部门节省500万美元. 
For every dollar invested in NoCoPCU in FY 2017-18, people in Colorado will receive $5.作为回报,只要NoCoPCU 2017-18财年的学生继续活跃在学校 国家的劳动力.


Dr. 利亚L. 伯恩斯坦,爱彼迎总裁 
“At a time when many have questioned the necessity of higher education, these data points demonstrate both the inherent value of post-secondary credentials to a region 以及继续支持高等教育的必要性.” 
“Public 大学s and universities offer an incredible return on investment, not just for the students who receive a life-changing education, but for the communities that 是这些机构的所在地吗. 这份报告强调了高等教育的关键作用 plays as a key driver of our regional economy, and the ripple effect institutions 让我们的社区成为理想的生活、工作和学习的地方.” 
“This data shows that both students and the public earn a high return on their investments 在高等教育中. 这也证实了我们经常从毕业生那里听到的话 教育打开大门,改变生活.  越来越多的工作需要大专以上学历 credentials, the benefits of public education to students and to Northern Colorado 只会增长. “ 
“This report affirms the important role of Northern Colorado’s public higher education institutions not just as gateways to opportunity, but as economic engines for our 社区、地区和国家. 简单地说,无论你是一个学生追求 a degree, a state or local government, or a partner in industry, there is always great 投资高等教育的价值.”


9皇冠app安卓下载安装对范斯坦的采访皇冠app安卓下载安装记者马克·塞林格为此采访了范斯坦总统 故事



  • Emsi 
    Emsi是一家劳动力市场分析公司,它整合了各种各样的数据 sources to serve professionals 在高等教育中, economic development, workforce 发展、人才获取和选址. Emsi是一个领先的供应商 economic impact studies and labor market data to educational institutions in the U.S. 与国际. 自2000年以来,Emsi已经完成了2000多项经济影响研究 三个国家的机构.

  • Aims社区学院
    Aims社区学院是 one of the most progressive two-year 大学s in Colorado. Founded 52 years ago in Greeley, Aims has since established locations in Fort Lupton, 洛夫兰和温莎. 现在的课程包括4000个白天、晚上、周末和在线课程 每年开设200多个学位和证书课程. 目标社区 学院由高等教育委员会认证. Aims社区学院是 an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and an Equal Opportunity 教育al Institution.

  • 科罗拉多州立大学
    科罗拉多州立大学, one of the nation’s top-performing public research institutions, has more than 34,000 students, and annual research funding of more than $300 million. Founded in 1870 as Colorado’s land-grant institution, CSU’s is renowned for its world-class faculty and research and academic programs in infectious disease, atmospheric science, clean energy technologies, human and animal health, environmental science, global 商业及其他. 科罗拉多州立大学的毕业生平均背负较少的学生债务,而且有工作 比全国的同龄人都要高.

  • 前线社区学院
    FRCC is the largest community 大学 in Colorado—with three campuses along the Front 范围. 该学院专注于每年27,000多名学生的成功 classes for 大学 credit, and more than 5,000 people each year in business training 继续教育. FRCC提供近200个学位和证书. 我们是 the top transfer institution for the 大学 of Colorado Boulder and Colorado State 大学. 我们还培训学生直接就业超过35个高需求 字段.

  • 北科罗拉多大学 
    UNC is a doctoral research university with premier programs in education, health sciences, 商业和表演艺术. 成立于1889年的州立师范学院, UNC一直致力于促进人类的理解和丰富生活. 与约 皇冠app官方版下载有13,000名在校生,专注于五个领域的参与式学习:研究 and creative work, civic engagement, global 经验s, leadership and professional 经验.


